Q. When do my pets get their first vaccines?
A. We recommend that puppies and kittens get their first vaccinations at 6, 12, and 16 weeks.

Q. When should I consider getting my pet spayed or neutered?
A. We recommend at approximately six months or before their first heat cycle (female), but consult your doctor if you have any further questions.

Q. How do you test for heartworm disease?
A. We draw a blood sample that evaluates for the presence of adult heartworms.

Q. What is wrong when my dog or cat is itching?
A. There are a variety of causes for pruritus (itching) in dogs and cats, some of them being parasitic (fleas, mange, mites, ticks), allergic, or psychogenic. An appointment should be made to evaluate the cause of your pets condition.

Q. Why do dogs eat grass?
A. Dogs being naturally omnivorous will eat small amounts of grass out of habit; however, in excess it can cause vomiting or digestive distress.

Q. What is the gestation length for dogs?
A. 63 Days

Q. What should I do if my cat is inappropriately urinating around the house?
A. There can be a variety of causes for this behavior including, stress, urinary calculus, environmental changes, dirty litter boxes, urinary tract infections, or bladder infections.  Your cat should be evaluated if this condition exists.

Q. What is Feline Leukemia (FLV)?
A. It is a virus that effects white blood cells.  It is a fatal disease with no cure.  FLV is transmitted by saliva or blood via puncture wounds, sharing of water dishes, close contact, or mother to kitten.  All cats should be tested for FLV.

Q. What should I do when I find a wild bunny?
A. Leave it alone! The mother rabbit only returns to the nest once per day to feed her bunnies.

Q. Why do dogs eat their own excrement?
A. Because they are dogs.  Some people believe it is an evolutionary trait to extract additional nutrients from undigested byproducts. Others believe it is to hide their whereabouts.

Q. How long does it take for suture removal?
A. 10-14 days with no appointment and no charge